Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Weight Lost The Way Of Submission.

How to lose weight, There are a millions of way to lose weight! Some are fast, some are expensive, and some don't work at all.
Weight Loss, Slim Figure and sexy body are all parts of weight loss tips.
Daily we are bombarded with images of slender figures, cute and sexy bodies. The Entertainment industries, from movies, televisions, newspaper and product based all fancied model with great figures and tempting bodies.
What are we to do? Are there a solutions for weight loss? out there? are we stuck with our depression and obese body?
Are you frustrated with your figure, Is there a Secret to weight loss? Is diet the only salvation?

Some may be frustrated with all the effort and some may never regain their ideal weight irrespective of the method or any regiment of exercise that they do!

Will the rest of you whom are overweight suffer the ridicule of the so call slim and slender peer and millions out there?

What does god have to do with all of this? Are the overweight people destined to suffer weight problems the rest of their life? Can God provide salvation and deliver some of us from this over weight problems?

Why suffer , when you can turn your self toward god!, Submit is the easy way out, it is not expensive? It brings inner peace and drastic life changes "God Willing"- With Permission from God.

Sufism, Islam, The religion from Heaven, the Almighty Father, The One God Is the answer to your life long ills and obesity. Why don't we turn back to our creator and seek his guidance and help to overcome this so call illness- Obesity? Obesity have been classified by the Medical Profession as an Illness, With Weight Problems we also experience stress and we look down on our life.

The Joy of life is devoid from those who feel unacceptable with their weight Problems.

Religion focused much on faith, trust and surrendering, Islam and Monotheistic Religion requested and demanded that we ask all of our needs and supplication towards the almighty.

But we rarely turn back to our creator for most of our weight Loss problems? Seek and ye shall find, Ask me and pray to me and i shall provide you with the means and grant you bounties , for I am the Ruler and the Lord of Heavens and Earth!

So why do we submit our self and our soul to millions of those so called weight loss program out there? Why don't we submit ourself to a higher power when all else have failed?

The following Book is my tribute to God for those people in needs of help and inner peace.

the method is proven, since if we truly believe it shall deliver us from our bondage , be it Obesity and other self created problems.

The Book highlight the direction of the soul, The way of submission and the path of physical exercise as dictate by God.

Since this book touches on theaspect of religion, it derived its method from the saying of the Prophet "sunnah " and the prescribtion of prayers.

Imagine your self finding

1. Inner Peace.
2. Inner Joy
3. Trust In God
4. Aura of Tranquilities

This is part of inner strength and Believe that is prerequisite to obtaining the favour and grace from Allah The Al-Mighty in what ever problems that we have in life.

In the section of exercise, the book proposed we follow the way of the Prophet by performing Night Prayer (can be liken to exercise- caution, the night prayer is a powerful model , but the intention must be solely for the sake of God) , But after that , there is a prayer of request or hajat, which is meant for you to request or beseech God to grant you what ever request or needs that you have.

Waking up 3 Quarter of the night, and performing a prayer that may last for more than an hour within the atmosphere of calm, coolness and quiet, this is a part of mind conditioning that you will attain in strengthening and controlling your appetite and way of life. This is far better tahn running here and there or exercising your physical without first strengthening your Soul.

Once you have manage to control you inner peace and will power, then you may follow the way of the Prophet

" Eat when you are hungry, stop before you are full", and begins each activities with the name of God and the believe that God is indeed powerful over all things.

The above is some of the contents of this booklet which shall provide usefull inside ang the time management which is necassary to control your craving and help you in your weight loss programs.

This book is free for those who can't afford it, to receive receive; just email me; for those who can afford it you can donate in the amount of USD 2.00. Out of the $2.00, $1,00 shall be donated to an orphanage Institution.

God Bless. Futher Tips for weight loss and such will be provided from time to time,

God Bless, Allah Willing.

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