Take a close look at the Eagle! How do you know it is an eagle?
1. It Is a Bird.
2. Your Teacher or somebody around you say it is an eagle!
3. You saw what and Eagle and The way Eagle behave in the Discovery Channel!
The truth , each Individual Eagle will behave the way nature intended them to behave until they died, with exception, if somebody were to capture the Eagle when it is small and train it to behave other wise.
So Islam is a religion of the one true God!. As a Muslim are you behaving like the Eagle? or are you just wearing an Eagle dress, and costume and you walk around earth and say to all that you meet. Hey I am a Muslim respect me since I am this and that!. But 99% of Muslim is just wolf in sheep clothing,
lets see the if you can answer the question that authenticate the real Etiquitte and manner of a Muslim as intended by your maker.
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