Gadget Stupid Things That We Think We Need Help Cure? Play With Your Life?
Choose Your Side
Thursday, November 13, 2008
pekida 3 line- cerita panas gangster melayu?
Baru baru ini saya berjumpa dengan seorang datuk' yang memberitahu beliau ingin memasuki pertubuhan ini, dengarnya datuk ini ingin untuk memasuki pertubuhan ini yang kononya ramai ahli politik melayu telah menjadi ahli pertubuhan ini, mereka di kenali dengan simbol tertentu dan juga dengan cara mereka bersalam, kononya dengan menjadi ahli anda akan dapat meminta bantuan dan juga mendapat suatu bentuk perlindungan di sebabkan dasar adik beradik? dengar macam bagus,
Tanpa di sedari di meja yang sama, saya terkejut kerana seorang kawan saya juga adalah ahli pertubuhan ini, beliau telah lama berkecimpung di dalam pertubuhan ini dan hanya menganguk kepala tetapi beliau menasihati datuk tersebut agar jangan masuk sebagai ahli, kerana menurut belaiu sejak awak pekida di benarkan bergerak aktif di malaysia di bawah naungan pak lah, sebenarnya lebih banyak keburukan daripada kebaikan, ramai orang baru dan abng long di nobatkan sebagai ayahanda dan membaihah untuk duit, daripada ratusan hingga ribuan ringgit, dan sumpah mereka ini juga tidak di hargai kerana ramai yang berkelaukan tak betul, banyak lah cerita yang saya dengar dan saya tanya, yang akan saya kupas di artikel lain,
saya balik dan saya check di enjin carian, rupanya geng tiga line ini ada macam macam, gelap terang berdaftar, merah kuning dan entah apa apa lagi yang berkomplot dengan cina dan india juga ada, saya terperanjat bila membaca komen dan juga nukilan pembaca dan penulis, ramai yang anti pekida yang memceritakan pekida ini dengan bermacam macam, seribu satu cerita dan pembayang, saya pelik juga sekiranya ini benar kenapa tidak ada badan disiplin pekida?
adakah pekida ini sama macam silat yang di beri watikah maka melayu melayu pekida tiga line ini senang senang ambik anak murid dan terus menjadi sama-ada pendekar atau penjahat?
Dengarnya ketika ini sedang kerajaan umno goyang pekida sibuk mewarkan tentang perpaduan bangsa melayu dan perjuangan? adakah ini benar atau hanya mengampu atau kipas untuk dapat projek;"seperti kata rakan penulis"
Saya harap saya dapat interview rakan saya bagaimana nak jadi ahli pekida dan cerita dalaman,
kerana ada cerita menarik'
Pekida di dokongi sihir dan santau;;sehingga orang no satu mati?
Krisis dalaman pekida, dua pihak majlis tertinggi memecat presiden?
akaun pekida yang tidak pernah tutup?
Musykil? mungkin cerita ini benar? ikuti lah berikutnya?
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Petua Kurus Badan Air Limau
Sunday, August 24, 2008
tribute to la china argentina dog saves baby
La China,An Argentina Dog, "An eight-year-old dog has touched the hearts of Argentines by saving the life of an abandoned baby, placing
him safely alongside her own new puppies."- By Daniel Schweimler
BBC News, Buenos Aires
A tribute to La China Argentina,
Remember me argentina, in your eyes- la china i saw love,
In your eyes i saw compassion,
in your eyes i saw motherly love,
in your eyes you are not a dog!
in my eyes you are a man,yes
manly enought to do whats is right
motherly enought to fight for a new born!
In this world of hatred, war and evil
love found its ways in the arms of a dog!
I feel ashamed as to what others did
some kill and fight for a meager egoistic life
yet beyond the species,
beyond the realm of physical prowess and mental evolution,
love knows no bounds!
In your eyes- La China, i am ashamed to what i am,
with all of my god given faculties,
i have yet to fight for love and compassion,
i squandered my life for materials gain,
only in the eyes of la china shall i began to remember?
There is more to this life,
there is another option of living
you touched my heart by only an act of living kindness!
your act may well be remembered or ..
may yet be forgotten in time,
but remember this .....
you have changed my heart and maybe countless others,,,,,
there is much to be said;;;
nothing i say in this poem or what you may call this..
shall make you understand,
but again may god in heavens send me my love to china
i believe countless other are also sending their love to you..
may you lay in peace la china...
with this ode,,
i say to my self ,,, as you may not understand this
i thank your for your act of love....
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tun Mahathir Quit UMNO
It seem the world is not what it seem as morpheous would say, behold the matrix,
Tun Mahathir mohamed have within his power all the mechanism and advisory at the tips of his finger, technological savy, forecasted technologies, psychological assessment of abdullah, and much more, have he failed to see and appointed the proper save guarding mechanism to control or advise Abdullah? Is Tun Mahathir Mohamed quitting umno is the answer, well tun mahathir mohamed quits umno is not the answer, it may be his own doing or his own plan?
The impact of Tun Mahathir mohamed to quits umno may have a darker effect and impact both for the Malays and umno
have Tun Mahathir Mohamed opened the pandora box for the Malays by splitting both the grass roots support and in a sense giving it over to Anwar Ibrahim?
Tun Mahathir Mohamed still have tremendous support from the majorities of Malaysian, Tun Mahathir mohamed is still the buiding father of modern days malaysia, yet when Tun Mahathir Mohamed quits umno he is sending a tremendous impact to the power of the prsent high council of umno and abdullah ahmad badawi himself, will now Abdullah ahmad badawi faced the music, is th ereason of Tun Mahathir mohamed quitting umno the result of the lingam video? much will be seen in the comings days of the present malaysian prime minister, abdullah ahmad badawi may have to used all of his wits to meneuver the present predicament of tun mahathir mohamed quitting umno.
Political analyst and blogger will start reviewing the action of tun mahathir mohamed in the coming future, but for malaysia tun mahathir mohamed decision will bring about further devision and will have it simpact both locally and abroad, internationally, abdullah ahmad badawi will have a tough time since now he faces of both anwar ibrahim and tun mahathir mohamed, will abdullah ahmad badawi relinquish power and brings about the new leadership of najib tun razak, if so can najib still survive till the next election
n the end it is malaysia whom suffer the damages by this action from tun mahathir mohamed, instabilities and the grim outlook of pakatan rakyat will only unfold in the close future,
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Lagi Produk Tak Halal
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sea Cucumber Soap and Senduduk
Scientific name : Stichopus horrens
Common name : Sea Cucumber
Local name : Gamat
Sea Cucumber and Senduduk Soap, beneficial for vanishing or reducing skin scarring, burn and also as a local anti septic.
The Malay word gamat means sea cucumber and it refers to medicinal remedies made from any of several species of the animal. The golden sea cucumber (Stichopus horrens) is commonly used. Gamat is usually the dried, powdered bodies of sea cucumbers made into a lotion or other topical salve. It is sometimes mixed into clay and applied as a facial mask, or put in tea and consumed for stomach complaints. Users believe that a solution of sea cucumbers can heal cuts, skin eruptions, and ulcers, and claim that it has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
Sea cucumbers in the waters of Malaysia have been over-harvested to supply consumers of the folk remedy, and as a result the animal and its products are becoming scarce. Efforts to restock the fishery have not generally been successful. Recently, a sea cucumber aquaculture operation was opened on the shores of several Malaysian islands to increase the gamat supply.
- Wikipedia,
The attractive shrub is named for its flower buds which grow in a column and look like fat yellow candles each complete with a flame! The leaves fold together at night. It was introduced to other tropical areas from the Americas and is now widely considered a weed. Mangrove and wetland wildlife atSungei Buloh Nature Park Main features: Grows up to 3m.
Leaves: Simple pinnate.
Flowers: Buds covered with orange bracts which fall off when the flower opens.
Fruits: Black pod with two broad wings; seeds small square and rattle in the pod when ripe.
Status in Singapore: Introduced, common weed in wastelands.
World distribution: Native to tropical Americas.
Classification: Family Leguminosae. Traditional medicinal uses: Leaves or sap are used to treat fungal infections such as ringworm. They contain a fungicide, chrysophanic acid. Because of its anti-fungal properties, it is a common ingredient in soaps, shampoos and lotions in the Philippines. The effectiveness of this plant against skin diseases is confirmed by modern scientific studies.
Other chemicals contained in the plant includes saponin which acts as a laxative and expels intestinal parasites. In Africa, the boiled leaves are used to treat high-blood pressure. In South America, besides skin diseases, it is also used to treat a wide range of ailments from stomach problems, fever, asthma to snake bite and venereal diseases (syphilis, gonorrhoea).
Height : A shrub up to 2 meter. Distinguish Features : Attractive purple flowers. Dark purplish edible fruit. Found : On wasteland and roadside. Commercial: Unknown
Use For : Piles 1. Use roots of the shrub. 2. Cut the roots into small pieces. 3. Boil the cut roots with a pot of water until 1/3 of a pot. 4. Drink the concoction.5. Take about 3 times a week.6. You should see some result.7. Continue until cure.
Use For : High blood pressue and diabetes 1. Eat the young shoot as ulam. Other uses: 1. Lady's white discharge. 2. Herbal bath. 3. Diarrhea.
The combination of these two substances combine with antiseptics makes this new soap a handy and effective usage for ladies,
available at RM 2.80 or USD 0.87 WHICH IS REALLY A GOOD DEAL! for 125GRAM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Kebahagian Rumah Tangga
1. Cium tangan suami dan suami cuim dahi isteri setiap kali sebelum berpisah ke tempat kerja asing-masing.
2. Jika berpisah lebih dari sehari seperti untuk tugasan luar daerah, tambahlah rutin harian tadi dengan pelukan dan ciuman di bibir.
3. Walau sesibuk mana sekali pun, luangkan masa untuk menelefon pasangan sekurang-kurangnya sekali walau sekadar untuk bertanya apa yang sedang dilakukan.
4. Sentiasa ucapkan kata-kata sayang seperti I love you sepenuh hati sebelum keluar kemana-mana, menamatkan perbualan di telefon dan sebelum tidur.
5. Sentiasa mencari peluang untuk makan bersama-sama, cuma anda berdua sahaja tanpa anak2 anda.
6. Amalkan bertanya apa yang berlaku sepanjang hari selepas pulang dari kerja sebagai tanda mengambil berat dan memberi peluang pasangan meluahkan perasaan.
7. Laungkan masa untuk berbual tentang apa sahaja dari isu rumah tangga dan apa sahaja yang pasangan anda minati.sebelum tidur.
8. Mudah berbaik dengan secepat mungkin jika berlaku sebarang pertelingkahan, jangan biar berlarutan walau untuk satu jam sekali pun apatah lagi berhari-hari.
9. Temani pasangan semasa menonton rancangan kegemarannya, walaupun sambil membaca akhbar misalnya, kerana apa yang penting ada berada di sisinya.
10. Jangan sesekali berpisah tempat tidur walau anak sudah berderet atau usia sudah meningkat kerana ia adalah salah satu amalan penting untuk mengeratkan kasih sayang.
11. Amalkan sembahyang berjemaah semasa di rumah, berdoa bersama serta bersalam-salaman selepasnya.
12. Biasakan bergilir gelas atau pinggan semasa makan serta tidak segan atau geli untuk menghabiskan makanan atau minuman isteri atau suami.
13. Sesekali buatlah kejutan seperti membeli hadiah atau kad untuk peristiwa tertentu, memakai pakaian dalam yang seksi atau apa sahaja yang anda tahu pasangan pasti menyukainya.
14. Senda gurau dalam rumah tangga amat penting, berceritalah sesuatu yang kelakar, teka teki atau apa sahaja yang membolehkan anda ketawa bersama.
15. Sentiasa kenang pengorbanan masing-masing seperti susah payah isteri melahirkan anak dan suami yang berkerja keras menyara keluarga.
16. Sesekali tukar gaya penampilan agar ada kelainan serta untuk mengelakkan pasangan merasa jemu.
17. Apa sahaja masalah yang timbul, berterus terang dan berbincang bersama untuk menyelesaikannya.
18. Sentiasa menyimpan tekad untuk menjadi suami / isteri yang baik dalam rumahtangga bahagia kerana fikiran positif akan memudahkan anda mencapai matlamat tersebut.
Jika amalan-amalan di atas tidak pernah dilakukan sehingga anda membaca article ini, jadikanlah ia sebagai titik permulaan untuk melakukannya tanpa rasa ragu dan malu.
Anda Dah Tua Bila...
> > nampak....kena jauh-jauh sikit.
> >
> > 2. Dulu kalau nak kencing, dari jauh...suuurrrrr!!!! masuk.....!!!
> > Sekarang, kalau nak kencing, kena dekat-dekat, pelan-pelan lepas...baru
> > masuk...
> >
> > 3. Dulu, masa tidur menhadap muka...rapat-rapat, sekarang berlaga punggung
> > saja... itu pun dah kira rapat sangat dah tu....
> >
> > 4. Dulu, mana-mana pergi mesti bawa minyak wangi (dalam kereta ke, handbag
> > ke...), sekarang, bawa juga... tapi minyak angin la...
> >
> > 5. Dulu, pakai baju mesti sama...sama color, sama design, sama
> > brand....sedondon... Sekarang, "Asal kau ada baju nak pakai udah la...!"
> >
> > 6. Dulu, kalau nak kemana-mana, sanggup tunggu bini sampai se jam iron
> > tudung...pakai tudung.... Sekarang, " pakai yg "wrinkle free" tu
> > je la....!" (dlm hati....macam la ada orang nak tenagok dia....hiyyyy!!!
> > Malam tadi tak mau nak gosok... lembab!!)
> >
> > 7. Dulu, sanggup jalan berbatu2 teman bini shopping, sekarang...tunggu dlm
> > kereta je. Kejap-kejap SMS..."Lama lagi ke?" "Apa aje yg you cari ni...?"
> >
> > 8. Dulu, hebat....!!! sebulan sampai 12 kali..., sekarang, kalau dapat 12
> > bulan sekali pun kira hebat juga...
> >
> > 9. Dulu, menunggu pun dah keras.... sekarang, menunggu nak keras...
> >
> > 10. Dulu, isteri nak tidur pakai shorts pun tak boleh, suruh buka...jgn
> > pakai apa-apa. Sekarang, isteri nak tidur pakai kemban pun kena suruh buka
> > juga... "Pakai baju yang senonoh sikit tak boleh ke...?"
> >
Minah Indon Kebas Laki Org?
Dear kengkawan,
Ni aku nak cerita satu kisah benar. Minah indon dalam gambar ni dah kenakan kawan aku. Nama dia SULASTRI SOFIA MULYOWIREJO. Ada panggil sofia, fia, sulastri dan tah apa2 lagi. Dia ni pandai gunakan ilmu hitam untuk pikat lelaki bujang dan laki org.
Minah ni keje kat kedai Ayamas (Desa Jaya, Tmn Desa Jaya, KL). Dekat dgn balai polis kepong. Dulu kita org slalu mkn kat kedai Ayamas situ. Tapi pelik, kenapa kawan aku blh tergila-gilakan minah indon ni padahal rupa takde dan kawan aku ni memang anti minah Indon. Duit gaji, bonus dan segala-galanya senang2 jer tabur kat minah Indon ni..
Mcm2 tempat bawak berubat dan semua katakan kwn aku dah terkena ilmu hitam minah ni. Minah ni masih ada kat kawasan Kepong. Kalau keje, dia mesti pakai tudung tapi abis keje, bukak tudung. Pandai cakap melayu mcm kita. Korang hati2 sebab minah ni memang desperate nak jadi warganegara kat sini. Muka kononnya mcm budak baik tapi dlm beg tangan sentiasa ada 'benda' utk letak dlm minuman or makanan mangsa. Kengkawan dia pun memang mcm dia jugak.
Sebarkan pada kengkawan lain supaya tak jadi mcm kawan aku yg hilang pedoman, mcm nak bersujud kat kaki Indon hantu ni. Jgn sampai laki korang kena kebas gara-gara Indon terkutuk ni.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Dear instant noodle lovers,
Make sure you break for at least 3 days after one session of instant noodles before you eat your next packet! Please read the info shared to me by a doctor. My family stopped eating instant noodles more than 5 years ago after hearing about the wax coating the noodles - the wax is not just in the Styrofoam containers but it coats the noodles. This is why the instant noodles do not stick to each other when cooking.
If one were to examine the ordinary Chinese yellow noodles in the market, one will notice that, in their uncooked state the noodles are oily. This layer of oil prevents the noodles from sticking together.
Wanton noodles in their uncooked state have been dusted with flour to prevent them sticking together. When the hawker cooks the noodles, notice he cooks them in hot water and then rinses them in cold water before cooking them in hot water again. This process is repeated several times before the noodles are ready to be served. The cooking and rinsing process prevents noodles from sticking together.
The hawker then "lowers the noodles in oil and sauce to prevent the noodles from sticking if they are to be served dry.. Cooking instructions for spaghetti require oil or butter to be added in the water when boiling the spaghetti to prevent the pasta from sticking together. Otherwise, one gets a big clump of spaghetti!
There was an SBC (now TCS) actor some years ago, who at a busy time of his career had no time to cook, resorted to eating instant noodles everyday. He got cancer later on. His doctor told him about the wax in instant noodles. The doctor told him that our body will need up to 2 days to clear the wax. There was also an SIA steward who after moving out from his mother's house into his own house, did not cook but ate instant noodles almost every meal. He had cancer, and has since died from it.
Nowadays the instant noodles are referred as " cancer noodles ".
If you all eat Satay, don't ever forget to eat the cucumber, because eating Satay together with carbon after barbequing can cause cancer.
But we have a cure for that... Cucumber should be eaten after we eat the Satay because Satay has carcinogen (a cancer causing element) but cucumber is anti-carcinogenic. So don't forget to eat the cucumber the next time you have Satay's.
DO NOT eat shrimp / prawn if you have just taken VITAMIN C pills!!
This will cause you to DIE in ARSENIC (As) toxication within HOURS!!
Try this and see whether the pork you bought has worms. There goes with your "Bak Kut Teh" for those who love it. Most men love to eat this so watch out before it's too late. If you pours Coke (yes, the soda) on a slab of pork, wait a little while, you will SEE WORMS crawl out of it. A message from the Health Corporation of Singapore about the bad effects of pork consumption. Pig's bodies contain MANY TOXINS, WORM and LATENT DISEASES.
Although some of these infestations are harboured in other animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far MORE PREDISPOSED to these illnesses than other animals. This could be because PIGS like to SCAVENGE and will eat ANY kind of food, INCLUDING dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta including their own, garbage, and other pigs. INFLUENZA (flu) is one of the MOST famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. This illness is harboured in the LUNGS of pigs during the summer months and tends to affect pigs and human in the cooler months.
Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who EAT pork sausage tend to SUFFER MORE during EPIDEMICS of INFLUENZA. Pig meat contains EXCESSIVE quantities of HISTAMINE and IMIDAZOLE compounds, which can lead to ITCHING and INFLAMMATION; GROWTH HORMONE which PROMOTES INFLAMMATION and growth; sulphur containing mesenchymal mucus which leads to SWELLING and deposits of MUCUS in tendons and cartilage, resulting in ATHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, etc.
Sulphur helps cause FIRM human tendons and ligaments to be replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and degeneration of human cartilage.
Eating pork can also lead to GALLSTONES and OBESITY, probably due to its HIGH CHOLESTEROL and SATURATED FAT content. The pig is the MAIN CARRIER of the TAENIE SOLIUM WORM, which is found in its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage. One in six people in the US and Canada has RICHINOSIS from eating trichina worms, which are found in pork.
Many people have NO SYMPTOMS to warm them of this, and when they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These worms are NOT noticed during meat inspections.
Cancer-causing substance in shampoos. Go home and check your shampoo. Change before it's too late... Check the ingredients listed on your shampoo bottle, and see they have a substance by the name of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, or simply SLS.. This substance is found in most shampoos; manufacturers use it because it produces a lot of foam and it is cheap. BUT the fact is, SLS is used to scrub garage floors, and it is very strong!!! It is also proven that it can cause cancer in the long run, and this is no joke. Shampoos that contains SLS: Vo5, Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, the new Hemp Shampoo from Body Shop etc. contain this substance.
The first ingredient listed (which means it is the single most prevalent ingredient) in Clairol's Herbal Essences is Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Therefore, I called one company, and I told them their product contains a substance that will cause people to have cancer. They said, Yeah we knew about it but there is nothing we can do about it because we need that substance to produce foam. By the way Colgate toothpaste also contains the same substance to produce the "bubbles". They said they are going to send me some information.
Research has shown that in the 1980s, the chance of getting cancer is 1 out of 8000 and now, in the 1990s, the chances of getting cancer is 1 out of 3, which is very serious. Therefore, I hope that you will take this seriously and pass this on to all the people you know, and hopefully, we can stop "giving" ourselves cancer-causing agents.
Please pass on this information to your friends & loved ones. |
selain similac, Abbott Laboratories juga distribute susu-susu berikut:
1) Isomil
2) gain
3) gain plus
4) grow
5) pediasure
6) ensure
berkaitan status halal / tak halal tu, harap kita dapat information a.s.a.p
Info utk kenkawan yg ader anak/adik/anak sedara yg minum susu *SIMILAC*.
Sorry terpaksa info pasal benda ni untuk pengetahuan mothers to be.. and
please inform this to ur 'mummy' friends ok. Aku baru dapat info dari
Datuk Dr Maamor persatuan pengguna islam malaysia .. susu formula *SIMILAC*
diragui status halalnya.Susu ni pun quite famous.. ada di pasaran.
Susu tu dipercayai guna hormon manusia dalam proses pembuatannya.
Susu tu pun dah dikategorikan tak HALAL dari Persatuan Pengguna Islam Amerika Syarikat.
Kisah Benar... Hampir Dirogol!!
Message: Kisah benar dari US . Banyak kisah-kisahaneh yang menakjubkan sebegini telah berlaku. Moga kita boleh ambil iktibar.
Seorang wanita muslim dari Malaysia yang bekerja di US, memakai tudung dan memiliki akhlak yang bagus. Suatu malam
perempuan ini dalam perjalanan balik kerumah dari tempat kerjanya. Kebetulandia mengambil jalan singkat untuk pulang. Jalan yang diambil pula agak tersorok dan tidak banyak orang yanglalu lalang pada masa itu. Maklum hari sudah lewat malam. Berjalan di jalan yang agak gelap sebegitu membuatkan dia agak gelisah dan rasa takut berjalan berseorangan.
Tiba-tiba dia nampak ada seorang lelaki (kulit putih Amerika) bersandar di dinding di tepi lorong itu. Dia mula rasa takut dan tak sedap hati. Apa yang saudari kita ni boleh buat adalah berdoa ke hadrat Allah memohon keselamatan atas dirinya. Dia baca ayat Kursi dengan penuh pengharapan agar Allah membantu dia disaat itu.Masa dia melepasi lelaki yang bersandar
itu, dia sempat menoleh dan dapat mengecam muka lelaki itu. Nasib baik lelaki itu buat tidak endah dan perempuan ini selamat sampai ke rumahnya.
Keesokkan paginya, saudari ini terbaca dalam akhbar yang seorang perempuan telah dirogol oleh seorang lelaki yang tidak dikenali dekat lorong yang dia jalan semalam hanya 10 minit selepas dia melintasi lorong tersebut.Muslimah ini yakin benar lelaki kulit putih yang dia lihat semalam adalah perogol itu. Atas rasa tanggungjawab dia terus ke balai polis dan buat aduan. Wanita ni dapat mengenalpasti suspek melalui kawad cam dan selepas siasatan dilakukan, polis dapat bukti bahawa lelaki tersebut adalah perogol yang dicari.
Tapi perempuan Muslim ini hairan juga kenapa lelaki tadi tak jadikan dia mangsa ketika dia melalui lorong tersebut walhal dia keseorangan di masa tu, tetapi lelaki tadi rogol perempuan yang lalu selepas dia. Muslimah ini nak tahu sangat sebabnya. Jadi dia minta kebenaran polis untuk bercakap dengan perogol tadi sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan (sebelum lelaki tadi di bawa ke tempat lain).
Dia pun tanya perogol itu "Why don't you do anything to me on that night even though you know that I'm alone?" Perogol
tu jawab: "No, you are not alone. That night I saw two young man walking with you. One on your right side and the other one was by your left side. If you were alone of course you will be my victim."
Saudari ni rasa amat terkejut bila dengar penjelasan perogol tu. Dia bersyukur ke hadrat Allah kerana memelihara dia malam itu, mungkin juga berkat ayat Kursi yang dia baca malam itu.
Jika kita sebagai hambaNya menurut segala perintah dan meninggalkan segala laranganNya, Dia pastinya akan sentiasa
dekat dengan kita dan memelihara kita. Muslimah tadi pertama-tamanya menutup aurat dan memang Muslimah yang menjaga
batas-batas yang ditetapkan Islam.(Kalau aurat terbuka malaikat pun malas dekat).Mungkin dua orang lelaki yang menemani
wanita itu adalah malaikat yang diutuskan Allah untuk menjaga hambaNya yang sentiasa ingat akan diriNya.
Ayat Kursi sememangnya adalah ayat pelindung yang mustajab...selalulah amalkannya. Bayangkan anda seorang yang selalu
ingkar suruhan Allah, kufur dengan nikmatnya, sambil lewa beribadat.Dapatkah anda mendapat pertolongan sebegini dari Allah? Balasan Allah tu boleh datang semasa di dunia lagi. Di akhirat kelak memang pasti kerana itu janji Allah. Jadi, renungkanlah di mana level 'iman' kita sekarang ini. Wassalam.
Barang siapa membaca ayat Kursi apabila berbaring di tempat tidurnya,Allah mewakilkan 2 orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh. Barang siapa yang membaca ayat al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan nescaya Allah berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya [Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a.]
Sebuah kisah benar yang sangat sangat menarik pada pandangan saya.semoga andasemua mendapat pengajaran dan ilmu yang
bermanfat.sebagai hamba kita seharusnyapercaya dengan kemampuan senjata orangmukmin iaitu DOA....semoga kita sentiasa
dipeliara Allah dari kejahatan syaitan yang di rejam.....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Muslim Mind Map
Muslim world wide need to rethink and re look at their daily behaviour from the moment they wake up, goes to work, socializes, spending time with their families and later return homes to their bed.
It may be argued that the existing example and living prefect or standard including the strict foundation provided by the Prophet is enough and forever will be eternalize till the end of the days by billion of Muslim should be adequate, yet when we look at the Muslim behaviour and etiquette it is a stark contrast to the ways of the one God and the Beautiful ethics and conduct of the Prophets.
Islam is a way of live and should represent the truth and the beautiful and natural order of living yet, the present predicament and living of most Muslim does not portrayed this living and dynamism of Islam.
The Failure of Islam as a Brand.
Branding and Marketing goes hand in hand, what does marketing’s entails?
Definition of Marketing: Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders
So every action of each Muslim in any ways will be a part of the whole branding and marketing of Islam it self! Islam is not a loner, it is a religion where each behavior must be related and portrayed Islam true identities. A policeman wearing a uniform and carrying a gun is expected to behave accordingly within a society points of views, if a policeman divert from its original purposes, it in it self have tarnished the very meaning and foundation of that particular institution.
21st century Muslim must possessed and have within his or her mind some of the following criteria’
• Benefits as a Muslim
Being as a Muslim must at its core be beneficial to his or her self, ie: you are being saved by professing and following the one and only true religion. You must also be beneficial to other Muslim. Your existence within your life cycle must also benefit others humans, animal and this world, for surely you are the caliph and the chosen ones. Your ethics must be of the highest and most adorable to all of creation, loving, non destructive and following the full spectrum of those which may evokes admiration and be as an umbrella or as a salvation to others entities.
Indeed we have given you these responsibilities and even the mountain does not dare to receive these great responsibilities, yet you human have been entrusted and have chosen to undertake this great task and responsibilities
• Creditability
Are you credible and honors enough to carry Islam as your religion. Do not tarnish its credibility’s, trustworthy and other aspect of this noble religion.
• Communication (real-time)
Our communication and social interaction. Are we a good person in nature, can we communicate with loving kindness? Can we address other being or other fellow Muslim with their deserved and rightful ways? Peace Be Upon You? Do we really meant what we say or it is just a slip of the tongue or a customary salutation?
• Research and self criticism
Do we dare to do research into our daily live which ones reflect the beautiful religion and which ones reflect our own desires and self interest, are we doing it solely for god and not any other ulterior motives? Can we accept criticism or just follow the blind dogma of the majorities of other professor of Islam?
3 IBM $56B
4 GE $48B
5 INTEL $32B
6 NOKIA $30B
Value of a Brand? Do Islam need a Branding? Why on Earth do we care about Branding let God Alone does the Branding?
We each sees something based upon its Brand or market perception or Consumer perception. Yes Put a Mercedes and A Toyota Side By Side and ask a person to choose. I bet 75-99% will choose Mercedes if you are ask to choose ones and take it home for free!
Each brand have invested heavily and have maintain the utmost stringent of Qualities control program and checking system available to bring its brand to where it is today.
You can walk into any part of this Earth and pick up a Bottle of Coca Cola or Coke, and trust me each ones will taste the same. There is no points or arguing that Coke is Coke and Pepsi is Pepsi. It may come in a bottle with Arabic writings or Tibetans but the taste will always remains the same!
What about Islam and its individuals, what are the similarities? Yes there remains the core taste of Islam which is Praying to the One God, They all says Allah and they will definitely pray toward the Kaaba or Mecca, yet beyond that do we have a brand of passion? Loving kindness, grace, gratitude’s? Or we are the Terrorist whom will run amok and kills those so call infidels the moment someone drew a cartoon of one of our icons?
I have yet to see a Muslim or an Arabs running amok with guns blazing trying to saved a dying cats or a poor hopeless whale or even compete with green peace activist? Or if I may harsh enough to say an Islamic Imams leading a crusade to save the earth from Global Warming?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Affiliate Untuk Kesihatan Anda? Lelaki?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Real Green Card Lottery
To those who have problems understanding English this might be a burden and may as well posed a difficulty,
a quick link to diversity visa and froud cases is at
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Buku Kompilasi Cara Menguruskan Badan 2008
The Book highlight nature based technique from home made remedies, food supplements, herbal and also alternative modern supplement intake.
This dieting book also provide useful link and urls for cross reference and up to date news release and diet fact and advisory notice. Some common mistake in dieting technique as well as urban legend or wrong full ideas regarding dieting and slimming technique are also expose in this e book. A small portion for mind control and self assertive techniques are also include in a chapter. While diet and food intake may contribute to your ideal figure, we must not forget that the important factor is self control and self monitoring and regulated diet.
Cara pemakanan yang mudah di mulai dengan pemakanan yang seimbang, pengambilan air yang mencukupi dan juga teknik seperti balutan tanah liat yang mudah, anda berpeluang mengurangkan berat badan anda dan juag menurunkan berat badan anda secara semulajadi.
Sekiranya anda mengikuti petua yang di paparkan dan telah terbukti berkesan di arena penurunan berat badan di abad 21 ini, anda bukan sahaja akan berjaya mengubah keterampilan diri anda malah anda juga untuk menjalani kehidupan yang lebih ceria!
Maklumat dan data berkeanaan dengan cara menguruskan badan bukanlah suatu rahsia lagi tetapi anda perlulah rajin mencari dan membaca. Kompilasi ini memudahkan anda mendapatkan maklumat kerana ianya mengumpul dan mendedahkan kepada anda berkenaan dengan fakta dan teknik terkini dialam pemakanan dan juga alam penurunan berat badan.
Sekiranya anda telah mengambil pill dan juga pelbagai bentukproduk herba tanpa mendapat kesan yang sepatutnya, maka buku ini mendedahkan produk dan juga teknik di bidang pemakanan dan juga penurunan berat badan yang lebih kepda gimmik pemasaran dan membazirkan masa dan kewangan anda.
Kompilasi ini juga membekalkan pautan atau link berkenaan dengan obesity atau laman web kerajaan dan juga badan bukan kerajaan di peringkat global.
Cara mudah dan teknik pemakanan sihat mampu mengubah bentuk dan berat badan anda! jangan membuang masa , tetapi legkapi diri anda dengan fakta dan kajian terkini, anda mampu kelihatan kurus dan cantik di dalam beberapa bulan dan menjimatkan kewangan anda!
Kompilasi diet dan slim termudah 2008 hanyalah pada kadar RM 10.00 sahaja dapatkan untuk perubahan dri anda!
Antara Cara Cara Menguruskan Badan
WRAP PRODUCT (Produk Bungkusan/Balutan Badan)
Tetapi yang paling penting dan di dapati berkesan mengikut metode ini adalah anda perlu lah mengekalkan diet anda selama anda mengamalkan balutan tanah liat ini.
Antara fakta kurus badan yang anda perlu ketahui adalah seperti berikut;
Fakta menguruskan badan atau fakta kurus badan;
Citrus Aurantium- Produk Herbal Menguruskan badan Citrus Aurantium
Citrus Aurantium mengandungi bahan dan juga ciri-ciri tertentu yang mengaktifkan badan anda untuk mempercepatkan proses membuang lemak badan.
Coleus Forskohlii- Produk Herbal Menguruskan Badan Coleus Forskohlii.
Guarana, Produk Herbal Guarana Untuk Menguruskan Badan.
WHITE WILLOW, Produk Willow Putih untuk menguruskan badan
ProdukWhite Wilow ini akan memanjangkan kesan pembakaran lemak badan oleh Guarana.
Green Tea, Produk Menguruskan Badan Teh Hijau,
Produk Herbal Teh Hijau telah terbuktiberkesan untuk meningkatkan tenaga berehat badan anda.
Ginseng Korea, Produk herbal menguruskan badan Korean Ginseng,
Taurine, Produkherbal taurine untuk menguruskan badan.
Banyak lagi Produk Herbal yang berkesan untuk menghilangkanlemak badan atau mengaktifkan kesan pembakaran lemak badan, walau bagaimapun, terdapat teori bahawa prduk herbal sebenarnya tidak lah memberikan kesan terhadap pengurusan atau penurunan lemak badan atau untuk anda jadi kurus. Teori kedua mengatakan bahawa, pengambilan herbal sebenarnya menambahkan nafsu makan anda.
Hampir setiap waniata mempunyai cellulite, pesalah cellulite sebenarnya adalah peningkatan berat badan, unsur keturunan, danjuga perubahan hormones badan. Antara faktor inilah yang menyebabkan cell lemak meningkat sehingga 300oeratus dariadasaiz original atau asal mereka dan melekat di dalam poket lemak yang mana merka di kumpulkan.Poket ini bergerak keatas, dan menegang, fiber di antara poket ini menjadi tipis, peredaran darah tersekat dan menjadi susah, menyebabkan toxindan air terperangkap, keputusannya adalah cellulite, Cellulite tidak bertindak positif kepada senaman, krim, atau juga pembedahan surgikal.
Untuk menghilangkan lemak badan dan mengekalkan kehilangan lemak badan anda perlulah menukar tabiat pemakanan anda dan bersenam secara rutin mengikut metode yang berkesan.
Tips dan Petua Kurus Badan
• Tiada apa yang terlarang, tetapi makanan yang seimbang dan tidak berlemak sepatutnya mendominasi pemakan anda.
• Tetapkan atau jadikan hala tuju anda untu menghilangkan sekurang-kurangnya satu kilogram semingu
Jangan membeli barangan dapur atau makanan ketika anda sangat lapar kerana pembelan anda akan menjadi lebih bersifat nafsupemakanan tanpa mengira jenis dan pemakanan yang sihat.
Secara ideal , belilah barangan keperluan yang sihat dan catu agarnya boleh berkekalan selama seminggu, patuhi rutin dan julahpemakanan yang anda makan.
anda tidak perlu berlapar.
Kurangkan makan di luar atau di restaurant.
Ambil langkah berubah satu langakah sehari secara perlahan dan konsisten.
Kata-kata nasihat
Makan untukhidup , bukan hidup untuk makan- Bnjamin ranklin 1706-90
Senaman mengangkat timba ketika kematian awanku , adalah satu-satunya senaman yang aku lakukan ketikamajlis pengkebumian kawanku,
Mark Twain 1835-1910
Untuk anda meminta wanita menjadi kurus dan sim secara bukan semuajadiadalah sama seperti meminta mereka meninggalkan sexualiti mereka
Naomi Wol f 1962.