Thursday, September 21, 2006

A New Beginning

Dear Reader, This Blog will now focus on the Books that I publish in Electronic and Printed format.
It will now host to both Bahasa Malaysia dan English, please go to

Monday, September 18, 2006

Before Star Wars, A long Time Ago There Was Islam

Do or Do Not There Is No Try!
Ummmmm, Think you will , act you must
The force is around us , it binds us, it is one , both the dark and the light yet it is beyond all of this

Sound familiar? i hope saw, it is much easier to mentionthe order of the Jedi than to say Islam in this day, why Islam evokes conflict, argument and debate! Yet the one God is only one, not two not three. Ponder on this my fellow audience.
Submission easy word? Harder say than done, come back my Padawan, learn the way of Allah we will, test your wits or the dark side you will be
Come back you will!, for tomorrow your training shall start,
the light you must seek the force you must obey, think you know dont you? ummmm, see you i can, know you self you do not, for i shall teach you how you will teach your children the true nature of Allah I will, be back here tomorrow you shall,
Insyaallah, Allah Will!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Man In The Mirror

The darkest truth , is self awareness. No one know who we are as we know who we are? As you are reading this blog you are here due to certain unseen guide that have destined you to read this word. It will be archive within time stamp, and hidden within one of the many closet of the mind. Our mind carries past images, from childhood to adult and the presence moment. We cannot lies regarding our past. Invoke our past or even the last few hour ago.
1. What did we do?
2.For whom are we doing it?
3.What is the result?

"My life and death and my action and deeds is only for God Almighty"
a familiar pharase it seem, but in our daily life are we doing it for Him (God) or are we doing it for our personal and self interest, countless argument may result if we moved along the line of self denial, but the darkest truth is most of our life have been wasted for the pursuit of our self created dreams.
I want this, I want that, I wish for this and that, it is for self pleasure and self gratitude. Have we ever choose the path of the Servant? A path of servitude and selfless? Alligment and to be in Harmony with the one force that control all.
"All under Heaven and Earth belong to Me, I am the ruler of heaven and earth, the seen and the unseen"
A man may live an abundant life, but what does it brings but a glimpse of a passing time within this reality.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The First Question Of Realiti

You always know that the world around you is an illusion, it is like a splinter in the mind, driving you mad, day after day, something does not seem right in this world. You know that there is a lie that is presented before you, The road ahead seem redundant and is a road that seem to be making fun of your life.

The first question that you must ask yourself is whether or not you would like to know the truth , and once this truth is acquired then you can set yourself free and fullfil your true achievement , Which pill shall you take, the red or the blue pill, either days after days you shall work and die as part of the world or whether you can set yourself free from this illusinory world. A choice that is yet to be make,

This essay will demonstrate from the view point of the Movie the Matrix of how you may follow the road that have been used many time since time immorial to set your true self the “Neo” the chosen one to be free and be all you can be. Some may understood this method as “zen” “meditation” reiki and other form of mind method, but the real journey and thruth may entirely depends on your self.

This is the simple question of Islam, to understand God is the Realiti behind all of this illusionary world. The prophet is similar to Morpheous, I came to shatter your multitude of Gods or Illusionary power that you have subjugated yourself to.

Reason, mind and subconscious knew that there is only one point of reference, which is the essence of Tauhid (Unity). By submiting yourself to the one force, can only each of us free our mind from this multitude of False God (Idoltries)

The prophet speak with the essense, since the first word is " read in the name of your god!
We must began with sensing taht each and every emittance from our inner core or anything that generated from our being is within and comes from the realm of God, (single point of emitter)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Story of God And Man

One day I happen to visit one of the sufi center in San Francisco, After a session of meditation, a guest who was with us that afternoon, and was waiting to meet the sheikh, finally got to meet him and ask a few question. Among others, the basic question regarding the history the method of initiation and so forth. After a while , the guy started blabering about of "how much he loves god and why after this so many years he has been searching for God, trying all possible means. Mediation, asking and praying.

To most of us , his quest seem genuine, most of us there went thru the same process before, the yearning to meet God and to ask all kind of question.

But that afternoon was the greates afternoon among other, because, suddenly, the sheikh ask "why do you want to meet God" The question seem trivial, The man mention" because i love God"
It seem this man has an emotion toward God, and wanted to meet Him.

The sheikh reply" which God"?. The man answered "there is only one God"

At this moment " i started to laugh deep inside my heart, not wanting to show" the question of "which God suddenly gave me the answer". And till now it is still fresh in my mind and to this day i thank God for granting me the grace to be there during the question.

Let go back to the story. The sheikh ask again " which God?" the same answered but with a lengthy explanation. At this point started seeing more smile across the room, it seem the emotion and feeling has began to unfold across the sufi presence there.

Finally after the man has ended his explanation, the sheikh reply "You are in Love with the God in Your Head! Not the real God"

So it seem he is a disciple of his own imaginary mind God- the veil is about to be broken
Some of us may take Gods word literally, but the truth of the matter is that, most of his word may or may not be understood literally, it may be hidden behind a veil, full of meaning and interpretation. This must be understood by al who claim to love god in it essense.
This world that we live in has been set according to certain law, which some he may not interfere

Real Message of Islam vs Self Delusion

Lets detached ourself for a moment , and imagine we are above this earth an looking at all this commotion that is going on , the debate, the punches, the War, violences between all of this so call people fighting under the religious banner.

Doesnt it look funny ? up from above. for each of this indvidual or group in actuality is fighting for their own God, their mind God!

Allah, Jesus, Jehowah or Yahweh and many more names of God. This is the name handed down by our history. but the name remain a name, it is the God that we carry within our mind that actually control our behavior. We are actually trying to convince our self and the rest of the world that we, (i) our ego that there is only one true God , the one that we carry and thru him we are unique and are seen by the rest of creation. This is the God tht we push forth, and this is our biggest self delusion.
We are like a small kid showing to the whole wide world that we are a superhuman, our God is great but in a sense we never knew that what we say or what we do tarnish the purity and the beauty of islam (Subhanallah) -Maha Suci Allah - EVER PURE ALLAH,

Lately we have witness quite a dramatic argument and uproar between Islam and the West, or Christianity dominated world against Islam. Muslim are potrayed as violence and tend to justify the calling of jihad. Jihad in essence the legalization of shedding blood over non believer.
This is quite stupid in reality as both side actually are professing the same god. The one god that would like to see its people live in harmony and be part of the balance with nature and its creation.
One God One Love One Truth. But in reality the anger and the believe that each is above the other is quite disgusting in truth. Christian have started the move to evangelize the muslim world and started issuing argument and logic against the truth of Islam. Vice versa Muslim have also countered with staggering detailed and truth. And Sooooo... the debate continues.
In the middle is the peace loving members of each religious group, here are the real follower of each religious order. Thru them the real image of the religion shine forth and only thru their example and loving kindness the people around them can accept the beauty and the joy of living in this world!
I am attracted to one of the story handed down from ages ago
lets ponder a while in the truth and beuty of this story.
A muslim saint on a way to Mecca encountered a Christian Priest (or may i say saint) who is also on the way to Jeruselem, both agreed to be partner in this journey, so the story goes on the first night the muslim saint say , tonight you are my guest so i shall treat you. so the Muslim Saint prayed to God and behold a dinner was served for both of them. On the second night it is the Priest turn, so he too prayed to God and behold a dinner was also served. At this point i would like to end the dtory for you to ponder and think.
Under the same sky, the world is under one god the ruler over all creation, as such each heart can and may experience the devine accordingly such as a child who submitted his or her plea to the father. Amin

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Turning To God - Allah s.w.t

Let’s use the parable of an automobile as an example to the human condition. We all know what a car looks like and its functionalities. We uses road as a platform to get from one point to another. Automobile is a vehicle which we use to transport ourselves from point A to B. Religion is similar to an automobile.

This is the most important aspect of Islam. Most Muslim failed to realize the basic governing law of Islam in their daily life. The prophet once relates that a prayer is not completed without the recitation of Al-Fatihah during the course of prayer.

What is the message of AL-Fatihah, why it is so important and why million of Muslim failed to understand this message which I called as alignment with the almighty God.

Lets look at verses of Al-Fatihah,

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Praise is to God, Lord of the Universe,
the Compassionate, the Merciful,
and Sovereign of the Day of Judgment!
You alone we worship, and to you alone
we turn for help.
Guide us to the straight path,
the path of those whom you have favored,
not of those who have incurred your wrath,
Nor of those who have gone astray.
(Sura 1, trans: Dawood)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Way Of The Force, The Truth - Submission - The first step

The first premise of Islam is the acknowledgement of a single entity or Godhood. This single entity may be called as Allah, or his various other names. The term Allah it self however have been misunderstood by the majority of the Moslem.
The concept of God is simple in reality. The first step is to understand and accept this one and singular force. The second step is to submit and be in alignment with this power.

The soul of every single human being in essence, is in constant submission to the one force and creator. The mind, emotion, nafs and self interest, couple with dark energy (some say Devil or Demon) is constantly rebel at the notion of submission.

Our mind always poses the idol of effort and we have the power to do things and make it happen.

This constant battle is what makes human a unique being which have been trusted and being punish for either good or bad.

Upon total submission can only the first step to witnessing Allah as a god can be said complete.

If we wear the mask of submission but in reality we are mis-align with the central power, then conflict, anger and emotion sink in.

"O soul at peace return to your lord !

Enter my paradise once you have accepted me (lord) -the condition of "Redha" or acceptence of all the lords doing!

There is no power except with God Almighty

All under heaven and earth praise him , and to him belong all dominion, the seen and the unseen!

The Paradox Of Allah S.w.t

The one god that Islam teaches is the one force that controls the entire known universe. The earth is but a grain of sand in the sea of the created and the known universe. We must not also forget the concept of multi universes or parallel universes. The vastness and the bigger world out here.

This self identity and the knowledge or awareness of the totality of the force or our position within the greater creation is what makes the closed mind Moslem open for rigidness and radicalism. The mode of awareness that the prophet preaches is in accordance to the mentality of the period within their tenure as a messenger.
21st Century brings us closer to the extend of this single power or one central processing unit that govern this complex universes, as such the current rigidity of what most Moslem practices is irrelevant if compare to the reality of Godhood.

The age of scientific discovery have revealed some exciting, complex yet simple or fuzzy revelation to the order of the known universes. This discovery is no longer champion by the Moslem.

21st Century Islam

here are no differences between Islam in the golden age and the Future. Islam will always remain the eternal religion send from heaven. The mode of understanding however is the biggest hurdles that need to be address. As a Moslem, we must understand the basic concept of Islam and its practicality. The Confession alone does not make us Moslem. The confession must be understood and we must live our life according to its teaching and reality. This reality or the original concept of Godhood is the one thing that has been the major division and controlling structure within the hierarchical system that exist today. The learned scholar and the layman of Islam

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Images from “ Sunan Kalijaga” Pt Tobali Indah Film 2004

The scene above depict Sunan Kalijaga (One of Indonesia Muslim Saint) first encounter with one of the saint. In the first encounter Kalijaga was a thief similar to Robin Hood, whom steal to help the poor, the image that he carries was never changed even though later honoured as a saint. The final picture is his movie depiction as he ventured after finishing his religious teaching.
Similar to the story of the Buddha, Kalijaga was born in one of the aristocratic family in Indonesia. The pivotal turning point for Kalijaga is when he chooses the way of the heart. Seeing the condition of the mass poor around him, he was inclined to help the majority of the poor. Starting out as a thief he later encounter one of the saint whom later was depicted as asking him to wait by the river; Kali is another terminology for river.
As he became the disciple to one of the saint, and following the path of Sufism, he later emerges as a disciple whom finishes his way and later walks amidst the population spreading the message of unity and the gospel of Islam.

There is a various story regarding this saint, but the best scene that I would like to highlight is three. The three stories I see fitting for each Muslim to reflect upon their current surrounding and problem.

The first involved the government.

The second is in respond to the unbeliever and their way of life. Kalijaga walk into a village, the village was afflicted with draught, and the priest of the village was holding a ceremony to appease the gods, based upon their age old custom. This is going to be the third time they will sacrifice one of the village virgin to the gods in the hope that the Gods will be pleased and rain would fall on the village. This act also demands that some of the villager should commit self inflicted injuries to appease their God.

Kalijaga stood before the village priest and ask what they are doing? Upon hearing the situation , Kalijaga offer an alternative to remedy the situation. Observe that Kalijaga did not rebuke their ways and custom but only sought to remedy the situation. Kalijaga proceeded to perform a prayer of request. Soon afterward , rain began and the request was granted. Henceforth the villager began accepting the principle of one God and the message of Islam.

The third story is concerning a wife to a drunkard and a gambler. The wife has converted to Islam and was learning the basic of Islam from Kalijaga. It is related that in during the learning session the drunken husband approaches his wife in the presence of Kalijaga and started beating and dragging his wife home. It was related that Kalijaga only interfere when the Husband was about to murder his wife. Turning the intended weapon into a snake, the husband repented and began to mend his ways

As mention in all the three stories, the way of non interference, compassion love and the direct interference or grace from God is the pivotal aspect of gospel for Kalijaga. This is the aggregator mode which soon paved the ways for million of Muslim in Indonesia.
In a world dominated by warlord, animistic custom and violence, Kalijaga wondered and brought light, hope and order into the chaotic population of Indonesia.
This is the way of the early missionary. Armed with faith alone they wonder in the midst of idol worshipper.
and majority of Nusantara ; i.e. Malaysia, Brunei, Southern Thailand
Sadly nowadays, where order, justice and compassion have been spread among the population, the current state of Muslim in this region has stood at an alarming decaying and backward image. The progress has been slow and the real message of Islam has been clouded by paranormal, radical and extremism and somehow counters to progress.
and Philipine, experience conversion rate based upon the beauty, order and the light of the religion. It was never propagated thru swords. This is the message of Islam in the Nusantara.

Modern day learned scholar may have all the money and the accesories of da'wah, but look around you are they really the heir or successor or the role model of a saint?

With abundant money and wealth, i have yet to encounter a modern day Kalijaga among the Muslim Mufti or Iman which walk amidst the crowd with care compassion and love, i have yet to see an Imam or Muslim learned scholar walk at the food stall and pick up or treat a stray cats, yet alone send this poor animal to a nearby pet Doctor!

Alas what does our fore father saint have with them but the love for mankind,

You have a mobile phone, a perdana v6 (Malaysian Mercedes) and ..... so forth

" as i walk thru the valley of death i shall fear no evil

for the lord is with me, is not the Lord capable of all things , yet why ohh why those who knows does not do it!

The Light Of Truth

“Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?”

Mawlana Jalluddin Rumi, 13th Century Sufi Poet

“Lord, show me things as they are

You show a thing as fair and in reality it is ugly

You show a thing as ugly and in truth it is beautiful

Show us everything just as it is

So that we will not fall into the snare

Prophet Muhammad Prayer.

To understand Islam we must trace back the history and the etiquette of the first community of Islam and the way the prophet free the mind of the various God of power controlling the mind.
How do we view the world, thru what lenses are we seeing? Are we seeing from shattered view? Violence world? World full of hatred? Hostile world?
How do we view the world also effect the way we behave. Who are our teacher and role model? The learned or the truth of Islam?
These divisions between the ways we understand our religion have shaped us into what we are today. Each of us Muslim must begin to question ourselves, the real meaning of Islam and the practical Islam.
Are we a follower of the real teaching of Islam or are we following the mere fancy and our imagination of what our mind tells us?
How do we value and judge the beauty of Islam? Imagine in the middle of the desert, devoid of rain and green vegetation, a rose grew and bloom. Its scent soon reaches to every part of the world.
In the midst of conflict and chaotic state of idolatries
, Islam brings forth peace and loving kindness. This is the true essence of Islam.
The first group of people whom professes and witness the seal of the prophet hood was all among those whom are genuine at heart and seek the truth and the purity of obedient and submission to the one force.

From one it grew to the companion, from a group of hidden knowledge it grew to a tremendous momentum, where history will sees the center of idolatries, Mecca, would soon be converted to a single house of worship.
Islam was never a violence religion or a religion of hostile, its teaching is the corner stone of peace and adaptation to the local custom and surrounding. Only in dire situation shall the permission be granted to shed blood.

Beauty and The Beast- Growth Vs Protection

What comes to mind when people hear or think about Islam?

Is it beauty? Is it violence? Is it a backward religion? Is it a religion which constrict? Are the Muslim self egoistic people?

Where is our self image? Who are doing what and how? The revival of Islam?
The offline world and the real world?

What images does the hater of Islam portrayed our religion? Can we out wits them? Are we doing something and how?

This is just some of the issue that needs to be address by each individual Muslim in this Earth.

Can we just sit there and let our religion be dishonors? There need to be a systematic ways of addressing and solving this problem. Those in power and the real religion it self.